7 Secrets You Didn't Know About Invisalign

1. The Guy Who Made Invisalign Wore Metal Braces Himself!

Braces have been a rite of passage for generations of teens, but for Zia Chishti, they were also the spark of an idea. 

Chishti was a student attending Stanford and went through the traditional route of having his braces removed and getting a retainer. 

That's when it occurred to him that a series of retainers could do the same work as metal braces but with the benefit of being removable. 

Within just a few years, Chishti found partners, designed the system, and had the interest of some major businesses. 

In 1997, Align Technologies was formed, and Invisalign was started. Today, the company is one of the leading providers of clear aligners, with millions of patients worldwide. 

And it all started with a straightforward observation by a determined young student, similar to those at South Texas College-Pecan Campus, just 6 miles from
The Lakes Family Dental, where free consultations are provided to all students!

2. Straight Teeth May Benefit Overall Oral Health

We all know that a bright smile can boost confidence, but your local dentists also know that straight teeth can improve one's dental health.

Straight teeth are easier to clean at home and in the dentist's office, but crowded teeth can lead to periodontal disease because the gums may not position themselves securely around the teeth. 

As a result, s
traightening your teeth is not only about aesthetics but is also about promoting good oral health. 

While you may think that straightening your teeth is something that only adults need to worry about, the truth is that it's never too early to start! 

In fact, many orthodontists recommend that children have an evaluation by the time they are seven years old. 

The Lakes Family Dental is only 6 miles away from local elementary schools like Henry Ford Elementary, with affordable options!

So if you're looking for a way to promote good oral health, straightening your teeth at the earliest age may be the answer.

3. It May Enhance Digestive Health

You might not give much thought to your teeth's alignment, but the truth is that straighter teeth are better for your digestion. 

That's because aligned teeth are more efficient in breaking food down in the critical first step of digestion. 

If you're looking to straighten your teeth, many options are available, including removable aligners. 

The best way to find out which treatment is right for you is to consult with a dentist near you.

Next time you're dining at a nearby restaurant like Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen, remember to visit your local professional dentist at The Lakes Dental, just 8 miles away.

Regardless of which route you choose,
straighter teeth means better digestion, and that's something everyone can benefit from.

4. They're Most
Celebrities’ Go-To Clear Aligner Choice

It's not just teenagers who can benefit from braces; even celebrities are getting in on the action. 

Clear aligners like Invisalign are becoming increasingly popular among adults who want to improve their smile without letting anyone know they are getting treatment. 

Notable celebrities such as
Justin Bieber, Candice Swanepoel, and Usher have all used Invisalign to discreetly straighten their teeth. 

And many more stars have chosen to go the clear aligner route too! 

With Invisalign, adults can finally get the smile they've always wanted without dealing with the stigma or hassle of traditional braces. 

If you're an adult considering straightening your teeth, don't hesitate to ask your dentist about Invisalign. 

It might be the perfect solution for you. And before you know it, you'll be working your way up to the big screen or at the
UTRGV Performing Arts Complex, showing off that new smile!

5. Invisalign Braces Are Tailored To You

Invisalign is one of the most popular choices for straightening teeth because it uses cutting-edge technology to design each aligner for each patient. 

In other words, Invisalign customizes the entire treatment to your individual mouth. 

The system starts with taking impressions of your teeth and using 3D modeling to make a set of aligners that will gradually move your teeth into the right place. 

Dr. Alvarado and the team will consult with you at each step so that you understand exactly how the treatment works and what to expect. 

Invisalign braces are nearly invisible, so you can wear them confidently, knowing that nobody will be able to tell you're straightening your teeth. 

If you're looking for a straighter smile, Invisalign is definitely worth considering.

6. They're Removable Aligners!

One of the main advantages of Invisalign over traditional metal braces is that the aligners are removable. 

This means you can take them out for eating or oral cleaning, which is a considerable improvement over braces. 

With braces, you must be careful about what you eat and how well you clean them, as food can quickly get stuck in the brackets and wires. 

With Invisalign, you don't have to worry about that as much. 

If you wear the aligners for the recommended number of hours daily, they will be the most effective. 

Plus, you can remove them whenever you want! 

Next time you're sipping on some coffee or eating a muffin at
Semilla Coffee Lab, remember to stop by The Lakes Family Dental (just 6 minutes away) for a free Invisalign consultation!

7. They're More Comfortable 

When it comes to straightening your teeth, you have two main options: clear aligners or metal braces. Both are effective, but they can differ in terms of comfort. 

Metal braces rely on wires and brackets to slowly shift your teeth into place, and this can cause damage to the inside of your mouth. 

The braces also need to be tightened periodically, which can be uncomfortable. In contrast, clear aligners are made of a soft, flexible material that is gentle on your mouth. 

Most patients report discomfort when they first start wearing clear aligners, but it fades relatively quickly. 

There is also little chance of the aligner damaging your teeth or staining them, as metal braces do. 

Overall, clear aligners are the more comfortable option for straightening your teeth.


At The Lakes Family Dental, we want you to be proud to show off your smile. With the help of our skilled team of dental experts, we'll be able to figure out the best way to fix your SMILE and assist you every step of the way to make sure the end result is perfect for you.

Call us at 956-247-4263 or
Click today to set up an appointment or take advantage of a Free Invisalign Consultation session with the staff at Lakes Family Dental to finally treat your Underbite!

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