Invisalign Clear Aligners: What Sets Invisalign® Apart?

Though it’s important to keep up with your oral hygiene and attend your regular check ups, there are some conditions that can occur with your teeth that are difficult to prevent, like when they end up crooked, misaligned, or crowded.

Not only can these teeth be rather embarrassing, but they can also cause a bad first impression in a number of settings, professional or otherwise! A smile is usually the first thing people notice when meeting someone and, wrong or not, a crooked smile can definitely influence the impression someone has.

Why Should You Choose Invisalign over Other Aligners?

All clear aligners are not the same. Only Invisalign® clear aligners are designed for and use  SmartTrack materials.

In comparison to other aligners that use generic plastic for their molds, Invisalign SmartTrack Material provides a more consistent and comfortable fit. SmartTrack™ material is 100% safe for all ages and can be designed for mild or moderate cases as well as severe cases of misaligned or crooked teeth. 

The material is specifically engineered to fit comfortably and safely in the mouth for long periods of time without any health hazards. It is BPA-free and FDA-approved.

Is Invisalign worth the Cost?

Other teeth straightening aligners do not have access to patented Invisalign technology like SmartTrack™ material, so they use generic plastic for their clear aligners. 

Where other brands may be cheaper, since Invisalign uses the patented SmartTrack™ technology, the other Aligner brands use low-quality plastic which can cut or tear into your gums. 

Does Invisalign Take Longer Than Cheaper Brands? 

Not necessarily. In some cases, depending on the severity of the fix, only moderate or mild cases will see results in a matter of months no matter what brand they use. 

The difference between Invisalign and other types of clear aligners is that with Invisalign, you get to have one-on-one supervision with your dentist who will assess your progress. Every case is different and without proper supervision, you can harm or damage your teeth. 

Why Should I Choose Invisalign?

Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth without having to worry about restricting your diet because of the foods you can and can't eat. Unlike traditional braces, you can still chew gum and hard foods without having to worry about damaging your teeth! You can also brush and floss normally, which is important for maintaining good oral hygiene.

With braces, in addition to your regular dental checkups, you will need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks. This is to allow them to check the progress of your teeth and tighten your braces to make sure they continue to shift your teeth. Plus, if you have any issues with your hardware, like a wire popping out or a bracket coming loose, you’ll need to go for an emergency orthodontist appointment to fix it.

With Invisalign aligners, you’ll only need to visit
Dr. Alvarado every five or six weeks to progress to the next set of trays.

Many consumers have filed complaints about cheaper alternative treatments to Invisalign because they have either failed to straighten their teeth or even caused permanent damage. 

That is why at The Lakes Family Dental, we
recommend the Invisalign Treatment over other alternatives… because we have found that the success rate of Invisalign is much higher.

With over a 96 percent satisfaction rate and an average of a one-year treatment period, it is
hard to beat Invisalign®.

Dr. Jeffery Alvarado will walk you through everything you need to know about wearing your aligners, so that you can get the most out of your treatment.

Benefits of Invisalign

While the costs are similar, Invisalign® invisible aligners offer a ton of benefits, such as:

  • Allowing you to maintain your daily dental routine
  • You’re able to remove the aligners and continue your normal dental routine. Flossing and brushing can all be done normally without the need for special equipment.
  • More consistent and gentle experience 
  • Invisalign aligners made with SmartTrack have shown improved control where it delivers a constant and gentle force to move your teeth.
  • Comfort
  • Since the Invisalign SmartTrack aligners are a lot more comfortable, changing aligners and the Invisalign treatment process is a lot more streamlined than other brands. This means you’re more likely to comply with your dentist’s instructions and achieve the smile you worked so hard to get.

If you need orthodontic treatment, you don’t need to settle for discomfort and lifestyle changes, thanks to Invisalign.
Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado and the team at The Lakes Family Dental are more than happy to create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.


Don’t wait, give us a call today at 956-329-2957 to schedule your FREE Invisalign Consultation!


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