12 Reasons to Say Yes to Invisalign

You’ve been trying to ignore it, but it’s becoming more and more clear when you look in the mirror - you have crooked teeth. 

Where do you go from here? Well, the first recommendation you may receive is to get some metal braces. After all, they’ve been an effective way to straighten teeth for over 100 years. 

But you’re not a pre-teen anymore! At this point in your life, the idea of wearing metal braces is an embarrassing one, probably too embarrassing to consider. Plus, many patients end up with experiences full of pain and discomfort after opting for metal braces.

The Lakes Family Dental, Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado and the team understand that metal braces are truly a last resort for most adults. That’s why we’re proud to offer an alternative to traditional metal braces: Invisalign Clear Aligners. 

Invisalign is a series of smooth, form-fitting, removable, plastic aligners that gently apply pressure to your teeth and guide them into position. Because they are removable, you can eat and drink whatever you want, and brush and floss normally. Invisalign is nearly invisible, so you can keep your smile looking its best during treatment! 

Here are 12 reasons to say YES to Invisalign:

12 Reasons Why You Should Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces!

Reason #1 Comfort

Invisalign is an alternative to braces that uses clear, orthodontic aligners to shift your teeth, giving you a better alignment. Invisalign is a great choice for people who want to correct the alignment of their teeth without the use of metal braces. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign uses clear, plastic aligners that are nearly undetectable. Invisalign is also removable, so you can eat and drink what you want and brush and floss normally to maintain good oral hygiene.

Not only does Invisalign align your teeth MUCH faster than traditional braces, but they are also far more comfortable thanks to the lack of sharp metal components sitting in your mouth. No metal components also mean no emergency visits to the dentist for broken wires or brackets.

Reason #2 Fewer Complications

Aligners are adjusted slightly from one to the next and you may feel slight tightness that lasts only a day or two. This is completely normal. Some people may experience a bit of discomfort during the whole process, but it’s usually very mild and goes away very quickly. Also, your smile will gradually become straighter as you continue to wear the aligners.

Reason #3 Convenience

Invisalign braces are becoming more and more popular every year. One of the reasons for this is that they require fewer follow-up visits to the orthodontist than traditional braces. With Invisalign, you also have the option to remove your aligners for special occasions, making them a more convenient choice for busy adults.

Reason #4 Freedom of Diet

Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth without having to worry about restricting your diet because of the foods you can and can't eat. Unlike traditional braces, you can still chew gum and hard foods without having to worry about damaging your teeth! You can also brush and floss normally, which is important for maintaining good oral hygiene.

With braces, in addition to your regular dental checkups, you will need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks. This is to allow them to check the progress of your teeth and tighten your braces to make sure they continue to shift your teeth. Plus, if you have any issues with your hardware, like a wire popping out or a bracket coming loose, you’ll need to go for an emergency orthodontist appointment to fix it.

With Invisalign aligners, you’ll only need to visit
Dr. Alvarado every five or six weeks to progress to the next set of trays.

Reason #5 Discreet

Invisalign braces are nearly invisible, so you can keep your smile looking its best during treatment. They are also very comfortable, and you can continue to eat and drink whatever you want. This makes them a more convenient choice for busy adults. 

Since these aligners are made with clear plastic, most people will never know that you’re straightening your teeth. Instead of bright, shining metal protruding from your teeth, everyone around you will just see your natural teeth.

Reason #6 Dependable
Invisalign allows you to eat whatever you want without having to worry about damaging your aligners. Unlike traditional braces where you can easily damage them while eating something hard and then needing to come into your local dentist's office to fix it!

Invisalign process is so streamlined and effective, many people have straight teeth after just one year! Now, this may depend on your individual needs, but you can potentially save 1-2 years on your treatment!

Reason #7 Easy to Clean

Invisalign aligners are super easy to clean. You can brush and floss normally, and you can also use special Invisalign cleaning kits. This helps to keep your aligners clean and free of bacteria, preventing you from causing oral diseases which may occur… unlike getting something stuck in traditional braces.

Whenever you brush your teeth, you should brush your aligners and rinse them with water. You should also rinse them with water after eating or drinking something acidic or staining. You can also use a retainer cleaner to clean your aligners.

To sanitize your aligners, check with your provider. Often they will recommend a special cleansing solution for a deep clean. 

Reason #8 No Metal Allergies

Invisalign is made of smooth, plastic aligners that are gentle on your gums and won't cause any metal allergies. They are also more comfortable to wear than metal braces. And on top of that, they're easy to take out so you don't have to constantly feel them in your mouth!

Reason #9 Time-Saving

Traditional braces require you to come into your local dentist's office bi-weekly for 2-3 years for checkups. 

Moving your teeth and jaw into the optimal position takes plenty of time, and with braces, you’re looking at a span of 2-3 years. That’s 2-3 years filled with regular appointments to tighten your wires, restrictions on your food, cuts and scrapes from wires and brackets, and, of course, just having metal on your beautiful smile.

Whereas Invisalign only requires you to come in when your aligners need to be changed, saving you time and gas money!

Reason #10 Fast Treatment Time

The average treatment time for Invisalign is about 6 months. This is much faster than traditional braces, which can take 2-3 years. Invisalign is also less likely to cause complications, so you can expect your treatment to go smoothly versus the time that can add up with complications surrounding braces in your mouth.

Reason #11 Whiten While You Straighten 

Invisalign is a great choice for people of all teeth! And they allow you the flexibility to still whiten your teeth because there's no metal in between to cause teeth tan lines! 

Reason #12 Spectacular Results

Invisalign technology can be used to correct a wide variety of alignment problems, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and more. If you have a misaligned bite, Invisalign can help correct the problem and give you a straighter, more beautiful smile.


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If you're looking for a more discreet, convenient, time-saving, and comfortable way to straighten your teeth, Invisalign may be the right choice for you. Get a free consultation to get started!

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