You’re Thinking of Getting Braces… Now What?

You’ve been trying to ignore it, but it’s becoming more and more clear when you look in the mirror - you have crooked teeth. 
Where do you go from here? Well, the first recommendation you may receive is to get some metal braces. After all, they’ve been an effective way to straighten teeth for over 100 years. 

But you’re not a pre-teen anymore! At this point in your life, the idea of wearing metal braces is an embarrassing one, probably too embarrassing to consider. Plus, many patients end up with experiences full of pain and discomfort after opting for metal braces.

At The Lakes Family Dental, Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado and the team understand that metal braces are truly a last resort for most adults. That’s why we’re proud to offer an alternative to traditional metal braces: Invisalign Clear Aligners. 

These are clear, near-invisible plastic aligner trays designed to shift your teeth into optimal position.

So which advantages do Invisalign Clear Aligners offer over traditional braces?

You’ll Spend Less Time Cleaning Your Teeth

Traditional braces require much more additional time to make sure your teeth are cleaned properly. With their wires and sharp metal pieces, much more food than usual will get trapped in between and around your teeth. Failure to remove that food and properly brush and floss your teeth (usually done with a special flossing device) can result in plaque and bacteria build-up. Left untreated, this can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Invisalign aligners, however, can be easily removed and put back whenever needed, whether eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth. Once the aligners are removed, brushing and flossing your teeth is as simple as it was before getting aligners.

You Can Eat What You Want

To keep braces as safe and clean as possible, certain foods, like popcorn, gum, apples, and candies need to be avoided. Not only can these foods stick and buildup between brackets and wires. This can not only damage your teeth, but it can also damage your braces. 

With Invisalign, you can easily pop out your aligners whenever it’s time to eat, so you can eat whatever you’d like! Just be sure to rinse your mouth with some water before you put your aligners back to avoid trapping excess food between your teeth and the aligner.

You’ll Have Fewer Appointments

With braces, in addition to your regular dental checkups, you will need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks. This is to allow them to check the progress of your teeth and tighten your braces to make sure they continue to shift your teeth. Plus, if you have any issues with your hardware, like a wire popping out or a bracket coming loose, you’ll need to go for an emergency orthodontist appointment to fix it.

With Invisalign aligners, you’ll only need to visit Dr. Alvarado every five or six weeks to progress to the next set of trays.

You’ll Have Them For A Shorter Time

Traditional braces are a major commitment. Moving your teeth and jaw into the optimal position takes plenty of time, and with braces, you’re looking at a span of 2-3 years. That’s 2-3 years filled with regular appointments to tighten your wires, restrictions on your food, cuts and scrapes from wires and brackets, and, of course, just having metal on your beautiful smile.

Instead, the Invisalign process is so streamlined and effective, many people have straight teeth after just one year! Now, this may depend on your individual needs, but you can potentially save 1-2 years on your treatment!

No One Will Know

Braces are incredibly noticeable. Whether you’re just talking, smiling, laughing, yawning, or eating, it’s very clear to anyone around you that you have metal in your mouth. The only way to completely hide them is to keep your mouth closed.

Not with Invisalign! Since these aligners are made with clear plastic, most people will never know that you’re straightening your teeth. Instead of bright, shining metal protruding from your teeth, everyone around you will just see your natural teeth.

Should I Choose Invisalign?

If you need orthodontic treatment, you don’t need to settle for discomfort and lifestyle changes, thanks to Invisalign. Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado and the team at The Lakes Family Dental are more than happy to create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.


Don’t wait, give us a call today at 956-688-6000 to schedule your FREE Invisalign Consultation!

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