Periodontal Services

Revitalize your smile with our gum disease treatment!

Periodontal Services

Revitalize your smile with our gum disease treatment!

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Comprehensive Periodontal Care from a Leading Dentist

Our mouths are full of bacteria, good and bad. That’s why it’s important to maintain regular care of your mouth by:

  • Brushing (at least twice a day)
  • Flossing (once a day before bed)  
  • Rinsing with mouthwash
  • Visiting your dental hygienist every 6 months

If you don’t keep up with this, it’s entirely possible for the bacteria in your mouth to become unbalanced, with the bad bacteria building up plaque on your teeth.

When plaque is not removed with brushing and flossing, it can harden and form into tartar within 72 hours that can only be removed through professional cleaning.

The more plaque and tartar build up throughout your mouth, the more likely it is that periodontal (gum) disease may occur! There are also certain risk factors that can lead to gum disease, like:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Medications that Reduce Saliva
  • Genetics

Gum disease, when left untreated, can lead to symptoms like:

  • Constant Bad Breath
  • Red, Swollen, Tender, or Bleeding Gums
  • Painful Chewing
  • Loose or Sensitive Teeth
  • Receding Gums
  • Loss of teeth

Untreated periodontal disease can even lead to bone loss! This is why it’s very important to take care of your teeth and gums. If it’s a little late for preventive care, however, it’s important to receive a diagnosis from your dental professional and discuss possible treatment options. 

Luckily, our entire team at The Lakes Family Dental, led by an award-winning dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado, is proud to offer several different in-house treatment options to help with your periodontal needs!

  • Bone Grafting

    When periodontal disease is left untreated, it can trigger a response from the body’s immune system, sending white blood cells to attack and destroy the affected tissues, which can include your:

    • Gums
    • Periodontal Ligament 
    • Jawbone

    That’s why we offer bone grafting service from the comfort of our Edinburg office. When periodontal disease breaks down bone tissue, it’s very possible to experience loss of teeth - and if enough bone is lost, we won’t even be able to use dental implants!

    At The Lakes Family Dental, Dr. Alvarado may use one of three techniques to help perform a successful bone graft:

    • Autogenous Grafts - These bone grafts are taken from the patient’s own body and typically provide the best results.
    • Allografts - These grafts are taken from a deceased human donor.
    • Xenografts - These are taken from other species.

    After the graft is in place, the gums are stitched back into place over the treatment site. The graft will then need between six months and a year to fuse to the existing bone or be replaced by new bone growth.

  • Sinus Lift

    Many people that need implants to make up for the effects of periodontal disease do not have enough height in their upper jaw bone to allow the implants to fuse properly.

    For those, we recommend sinus lift surgery! 

    This is a surgery that makes it easier to add dental implants by lifting the sinus tissues and exposing more of the jawbone. From there, a new bone will be grafted to the jawbone.

    The new bone can be: 

    • Autogenous
    • Allogenic
    • Xenograft

    During a sinus lift surgery, Dr. Alvarado will follow this sequence:

    1. The gum tissue is cut into
    2. The tissue is raised to expose the bone
    3. A small circle is cut into the bone
    4. The new bone is used to fill the hole with a bone graft
    5. The incision is closed

    After four months to six months of allowing the new bone to merge with the existing one, we will officially place your dental implants! 

  • Osseous/Flap Surgery

    For healthy mouths, there is typically a 2-3mm pocket between your gums and the base of your teeth - but moderate to advanced periodontal disease can make these pockets much larger.

    As these pockets get deeper and deeper, they can fill with more bacteria, which can wear away at your teeth, gums, and jawbone until you experience bone and tooth loss!

    Osseous surgery helps get rid of the bacteria in these pockets, improving the health of your gums.

    At The Lakes Family Dental, Dr. Alvarado is ready to treat you by:

    • Numbing gums with local anesthesia
    • Making a small incision along the gumline and folding the gums back
    • Removing all bacteria underneath
    • Smoothing down damaged or irregularly shaped bone
    • Sewing the gums back and dressing them to control bleeding

    After this procedure, there should only be a few days of recovery, as long as you follow these tips:

    • Avoid smoking
    • Avoid a straw until completely healed
    • Stick to soft foods for a few days
    • Avoid strenuous physical activity
    • Change gauze regularly
    • After 24 hours, rinse mouth with saltwater
    • Hold an ice pack on the outside of your mouth

  • Periodontal Maintenance

    For anyone who has undergone bone grafting, a sinus lift, or osseous surgery, in order to keep your teeth healthy and infection-free, Dr. Alvarado may recommend periodontal maintenance therapy for you! 

    This process consists of regular checkups that will evaluate the health of your gums as well as deep cleanings when necessary so we can ensure nothing disruptive has developed over time.

  • Scaling & Root Planing

    Anyone who happens to be in the early stages of gum disease can benefit from this form of periodontal therapy.

    Scaling and root planing are, essentially, deep cleaning techniques that work to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria and toxins from teeth and roots while reducing pocket depth by up to 3mm!

    The scaling process is done by Dr. Alvarado with an ultrasonic instrument that scrapes and cleans comfortably:

    • Under the gums
    • Between gums
    • Teeth roots

    During root planing, Dr. Alvarado will clean below the gums to remove plaque and tartar, along with the calcified film covering the root of a tooth, cementum.

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Periodontal Services

In Conclusion…

Periodontal (gum) disease can dramatically affect the health of your mouth, leading to gum and tooth decay, bone loss, and losing your teeth!

That’s why
Dr. Jeffrey Alvarado and the team at The Lakes Family Dental are proud to offer safe, comfortable, and effective periodontal services at affordable prices, including:

  • Bone Grafting
  • Sinus Lift Surgery
  • Osseous/Flap Surgery
  • Periodontal Maintenance
  • Scaling & Root Planing 

Call now to schedule your next appointment or set up a consultation!

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